Changeset - a9e71e61cedf
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Mads Kiilerich (kiilerix) - 5 years ago 2020-04-29 13:00:59
ssh: mention in docs how to use multiple authorized_keys files
1 file changed with 10 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -153,6 +153,16 @@ be writeable by the Kallithea user.
    process, the server process will raise an exception each time it attempts to
    write the ``authorized_keys`` file.

.. note:: It is possible to configure the SSH server to look for authorized
   keys in multiple files, for example reserving ``ssh/authorized_keys`` to be
   used for normal SSH and with Kallithea using
   ``.ssh/authorized_keys_kallithea``. In ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config`` set
   ``AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys_kallithea``
   and restart sshd, and in ``my.ini`` set ``ssh_authorized_keys =
   /home/kallithea/.ssh/authorized_keys_kallithea``. Note that this new
   location will apply to all system users, and that multiple entries for the
   same SSH key will shadow each other.

.. warning:: The handling of SSH access is steered directly by the command
    specified in the ``authorized_keys`` file. There is no interaction with the
    web UI.  Once SSH access is correctly configured and enabled, it will work
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