Kallithea issues archive

Issue #330: Showing obsolescence markers stopped working / old behavior was surprising

Reported by: Manuel Jacob
State: resolved
Created on: 2019-02-15 19:53
Updated on: 2019-02-23 17:51


Mercurial renamed "precursors" to "predecessors" in version 4.4, so they’re used synonymously. When the alias was dropped in Mercurial 4.6, this line stopped working: https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea/files/0b942d34e4deb9b43558d880bc5018c2aba2f2be/kallithea/lib/vcs/backends/hg/changeset.py#L103

Mercurial moved the successorssets function from the obsolete module to the obsutil module. Alias was also dropped in Mercurial 4.6, so the following line stopped working: https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea/files/0b942d34e4deb9b43558d880bc5018c2aba2f2be/kallithea/lib/vcs/backends/hg/changeset.py#L91

The code is called from here: https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea/files/0b942d34e4deb9b43558d880bc5018c2aba2f2be/kallithea/templates/changeset/changeset.html#L106. However, the error is silently ignored (at least I didn't find a way to show it).

Even when this naming error is fixed, I find the current behavior a bit surprising:

Instead, I would propose that both properties return the closest changesets in the obsolescence chain that are in the repository. This would be useful for stepping through the obsolescence chain and also matches the behavior of Mercurial’s templates and TortoiseHG’s repository view. An API for getting both of these sets were added in Mercurial 4.3.

Is there a reason why Kallithea introduced its own terminology ("Replaced by" instead of "Succeeded by" or "Successors")?



Comment by Manuel Jacob, on 2019-02-15 20:01

Comment by Manuel Jacob, on 2019-02-18 04:00

See pull request #403 for a change that implements the proposed new semantics for Mercurial versions 4.3 or later (on older versions of Mercurial it falls back to the curent implementation).

Comment by Manuel Jacob, on 2019-02-18 04:21

Comment by Mads Kiilerich, on 2019-02-19 02:06

If there is a reason for special terminology, then it is probably an attempt at abstracting the VCS without making it too Mercurial specific. But this feature is for Mercurial anyway.

The proposed cleanup seems reasonable.

Comment by Manuel Jacob, on 2019-02-22 16:40

@kiilerix Did you see pull request #403 and pull request #406? The latter adds a test and fixes the compatibility issue. The first changes the behavior to the one proposed above (with the disadvantage of having different behavior depending on which Mercurial version is used). Currently the first isn’t based on the latter, but I could rebase it (or mix and match from both pull requests freely).

Comment by Mads Kiilerich, on 2019-02-23 15:35

Yes, thanks for reporting and fixing.

Comment by Mads Kiilerich, on 2019-02-23 15:35

Fix landed

Comment by Manuel Jacob, on 2019-02-23 17:51

I've rebased pull request #403 on top of the already merged pull request #406 and created a new one: pull request #407.