Kallithea issues archive

Issue #289: [wait-for-feedback] Do not execute hook mercurial repository on version 0.3.3

Reported by: maxvinokuroff
State: closed
Created on: 2017-08-02 21:26
Updated on: 2018-05-06 09:12


Text hgrc

changegroup = /srv/kallithea/repos/puppet/maxhope/.hg/sync_maxhope_to_pm1.sh

Text sync_maxhope_to_pm1.sh


BRANCH=$(hg log --template '{branch}' -r $HG_NODE)

case "$BRANCH" in 
        /usr/bin/ssh $server_user@$server1 "cd $server_dir1; /usr/bin/hg pull -u -f -b $BRANCH http://$server_git/$group_repo/$repo"

        /usr/bin/ssh $server_user@$server1 "cd $server_dir2; /usr/bin/hg pull -u -f -b $BRANCH http://$server_git/$group_repo/$repo"

This hook executed on version 0.3.2 very well, but not execute on version 0.3.3.



Comment by Andrej Shadura, on 2017-08-02 21:39

I'm not sure hgrc hooks were ever really supported. @kiilerix, @domruf? The only change which touched something near that was cce5a8388cde… but it is not clear to me how that could affect hooks.

Comment by maxvinokuroff, on 2017-08-02 21:47

I am downgrade to 0.3.2 and now all work. Снимок экрана - 03.08.2017 - 00:45:59.png And more that's worked about two years. Git hooks worked too, but I don't checking for version 0.3.3.

Comment by Andrej Shadura, on 2017-08-02 22:18

Thanks for that observation, but working and being supported are two different things. However, let's wait for Dominik and Mads to respond.

Comment by domruf, on 2017-08-03 06:29

I'm writing this from my mobile, so I can't check it right now. But I guess the used mercurial version may play a role in this.

Comment by maxvinokuroff, on 2017-08-03 08:35

repo ~ # uname -a
Linux repo.hid.maxhope.in.ua 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2+deb8u1 (2017-06-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux
repo ~ # dpkg -l | grep mercurial
ii  mercurial                  3.1.2-2+deb8u3                   amd64        easy-to-use, scalable distributed version control system
ii  mercurial-common           3.1.2-2+deb8u3                   all          easy-to-use, scalable distributed version control system (common files)

I use Debian 8 old-stable, version mercurial from main repository. All time since 2015 made two security update. Link Text I think version mercurial in this case don't make sense.

Comment by domruf, on 2017-08-03 17:40

I now tried to reproduce the problem on windows and on ubuntu 17.04. But on both systems changegroup and prechangegroup hooks got executed when configured in hgrc file. So I'm afraid I need more information.

How did you install and run Kallithea?

Did you use virtualenv?

Did you upgrade from an old Kallithea version or was this a new installation?

Are there any other differences between the 0.3.3 and the 0.3.2 installation?

Can you try it with the following, very simple hook?

prechangegroup = (>&2 echo "my message") && /bin/false

Comment by maxvinokuroff, on 2017-08-03 18:44

I install Kallithea use puppet module

  "name": "rauch-kallithea",
  "version": "0.3.0",
  "author": "Robert Rauch (GNS Systems)",
  "summary": "Manage Kallithea, a free source code management system",
  "license": "Apache-2.0",
  "source": "https://github.com/rauchrob/puppet-kallithea",

That module create virtualenv in home directory user kallithea path /srv/kallithea. Create site.pp next parameters:

class { 'kallithea':
  version     => '0.3.2',
  admin_mail  => 'kallithea@exempla.org',
  admin_pass  => 'admin_passwd',
  manage_git  => true,
  seed_db     => true,
  config_hash => {
    'DEFAULT'     => {
      'debug'          => false,
      'app_email_from' => 'Kallithea <kallithea@exempla.org>',
      'smtp_server'    => 'smtp.exempla.org',
      'smtp_username'  => 'kallithea@exempla.org',
      'smtp_password'  => 'passwd_smtp',
      'smtp_port'      => '25',
      'smtp_auth'      => 'PLAIN',
    'server:main' => {
      'host' => '',
      'port' => '5000',
    'app:main'    => {
      'force_https'        => true,
      'use_htsts'          => true,
      #'lang'               => 'ru',
      'sqlalchemy.db1.url' => 'postgresql://user_db:passw_db@ip_db/name_db',

With this module you can exactly replicate my environment. Install the puppet. Create directory 'modules' copy the module in that directory and run about this command

puppet apply site.pp --modulepath=./modules

Comment by maxvinokuroff, on 2017-08-03 18:53

I may create test node with version 0.3.3 and give access. Give me yours pub key for ssh.

Comment by domruf, on 2017-08-03 20:27

@kiilerix @andrew_shadura I have no clue about puppet. Can one of you take a look at this?

@maxvinokuroff what about my other questions?

Comment by domruf, on 2017-08-03 20:56

I still can't reproduce your problem.

I did the following on my ubuntu system:

  1. puppet module install rauch/kallithea
  2. create kallithea.pp like above but I used a sqlite database, used version 0.3.3 and host
  3. sudo puppet apply kallithea.pp --modulepath=./.puppet/etc/code/modules/ There were some warnings and an error but I continued
  4. cd /srv/kallithea/
  5. . venv/bin/activate
  6. since I have no ssl I changed force_https = false in kallithea.ini
  7. paster serve kallithea.ini
  8. create a repository
  9. create /srv/kallithea/repos/myrepo/.hg/hgrc with
prechangegroup = (>&2 echo "my message") && /bin/false

Now when trying to push something to the repository it correctly fails because of the hook.

Comment by maxvinokuroff, on 2017-08-03 20:58

How did you install and run Kallithea? I install in clean new lxc container with Puppet deployment instruments.

Did you use virtualenv? Yes, this module create virtualenv.

Did you upgrade from an old Kallithea version or was this a new installation? No, I install new instance.

Are there any other differences between the 0.3.3 and the 0.3.2 installation? I will install two node, and make diff.

Comment by Thomas De Schampheleire, on 2018-01-20 20:42

@maxvinokuroff Have you been able to solve this issue?

Comment by Thomas De Schampheleire, on 2018-01-20 20:42

Comment by Thomas De Schampheleire, on 2018-05-06 09:12

Closed due to no response from submitter.