Kallithea issues archive

Issue #253: almost duplicate records in commit history

Reported by: Karl Goetz
State: resolved
Created on: 2016-11-12 01:19
Updated on: 2016-11-18 11:37


(title is poor, feel free to change it).

I took the following steps: - dropped a non bare git repository in my kalithea/repositories directory - ran the scan and update tool to populate kallithea - noticed i had committed as root, so ran an update over all records to set myself as committer - ran the scan and update tool to populate kallithea

The repository now contains both sets of commits.

Revision    Commit Message  Age Author  Refs
082e5153efc5    Floating heading works at last  2 hours and 4 minutes ago   kgoetz  master
cf0aee0873e3    Floating heading works at last  2 hours and 4 minutes ago   root    
968fef58c3ef    Moved to 'stacked pills' for the human sitemap  2 days and 15 hours ago kgoetz  
e27581f0f2c4    Moved to 'stacked pills' for the human sitemap  2 days and 15 hours ago root    

I'm unsure what the appropriate fix is here (other than 'dont do that') since the revision has changed and I assume that is what kallithea is tracking. Is it possible to fix? if not I'll add it to my notes and move on.




Comment by Mads Kiilerich, on 2016-11-13 13:29

That sounds like a git usage issue, not related to Kallithea.

Comment by Karl Goetz, on 2016-11-17 04:15

is there a way to request kallithea forget the contents of the repository so it can import them anew?

Comment by Mads Kiilerich, on 2016-11-18 00:03

Kallithea doesn't remember any repo hisotry. It just shows what is in the git repository.

Comment by Karl Goetz, on 2016-11-18 11:37

I'm not sure what or when, but this is working as expected now. Its possible the records were due to being a non bare repository, due to kallithea needing a restart (?), rescan failing, ... I don't know. Whatever the case during the last week this repository is now behaving itself.